Saturday, 8 September 2012

Friday 7th September 2012

God.. This day.. Woke up burning sensation in joints! So did basic make-up and typed up my medication list, health history and my allergies and printed out a few copies making sure that next time I ended up in hospital. - I could just give them the paper rather than talk through the pain. 

I looked to my right and looked who I saw!

My cute doggy Lucy! She'd snuck in - past me on the bed and found a spot to sunbathe in - Falling asleep! God I love this dog.

So - I thought maybe that my joints would be okay.. the pain I could handle.. But maybe, just maybe I wouldn't dislocate! Boy was I wrong. BOTH my ankles AND my right knee popped out!! JOY! So I took my Tramadol and anti-sickness and me and my mother manipulated my ankles. But my knee.. My god.. I was screaming for hours until finally I couldn't handle it any-more and pleaded for a ambulance.

They came quick and gave me that lovely gas & air which didn't take the pain away but thank god it made it more bare-able. They soon got me to he hospital and let me thankfully keep the gas and air.  

So the doctor came, checked my ankles and my knee and decided a x-ray was needed and that he'd give me some pain relief other than gas and air as it's short term. I dreaded the needle but it wasn't too bad - there was more blood than the nurse expected but she did really good :) So I had the X-ray and they found out my knee is in place (thank god) but but aligned properly - it'll hopefully shift over itself. So they let me home. Was so tired was falling asleep in the taxi home. 

A doctor I know - came over and felt my leg muscles and he couldn't believe how weak they'd gotten. So - I am now pushed MORE to help myself than ever. Starting from now - It is time to get my life in order people!

Below is two pictures of my hand -  of the drip they put in with IV pain-killers.